It was towards the end of June by the time I was able to get an appointment with another Fertility Doctor for a second opinion. I went in (without my husband) for a consultation and a transvaginal ultrasound to look at my Ovaries and get my Antral Follicle Count. My last doctor only did a telehealth call and blood tests. After having a 20ish minute conversation in her office about my previous test results, family history and current symptoms, we went into an exam room for the ultrasound. She also suspected POI or Primary Ovarian Insufficiency and gave me a 5-10% chance of conceiving naturally.
During the date with "wanda" the doctor says she sees not one but two gestational sacs!! MIND BLOWN! She can see that I had two follicles that ovulated recently. Based on my last period in May I was 5.5 weeks PREGNANT! SURPRISE! I had no idea. I stopped taking pregnancy tests when I missed a period because it had already been over 6 months and I was exhausted & defeated! She requested a few labs to be completed and scheduled me to come back in one week for another ultrasound. Later that day the nurse called with my HCG results 6328. Does this mean we are having TWINS?!?!?! My husband came back with me the following week and during the ultrasound the doctor said that one of the gestational sacs was empty (a Blighted Ovum) 😢 but there was a little growth in the other one - a fetal pole had developed and there was a flutter of a heart beat at 109bpm! But she was concerned that this was lower than we would like at 6.5 weeks. So she asked me to come back again next week for another ultrasound. These were the LONGEST weeks of my life! At this time I'm experiencing horrible nausea and I’m beyond nervous about losing this pregnancy. Meanwhile these visits are NOT covered by our insurance so all costs are being paid out of pocket and we have two kids at home that need childcare as I am their fulltime caregiver. Thank goodness for my mother in law for driving back and forth an hour each way to stay with the girls so my husband can be at the appointments with me. During this ultrasound the heartbeat had picked up but was still on low end around 130bpm but she said we could graduate to my regular OBGYN since we were about 7.5 weeks now. I was able to get into my OBGYN that same week and they ran all the usual blood & urine tests for Pregnancy. She didn't do an ultrasound since I had just had one that same week. She said they would see me back in 4 weeks for what would be my 12 week ultrasound.
When I got home I started looking at the calendar and realized we were going on vacation in two weeks and just didn't feel comfortable not having another ultrasound for 4 more weeks! So I called and requested I have one sooner - we landed on the day before we left for vacation which was right around 10 weeks. be continued
